ISLAMABAD, Pakistan on Friday confirmed that it had formally asked Afghanistan to hand over the alleged perpetrators of the recent terrorist attack that killed five Chinese nationals and their Pakistani driver.

His vehicle was targeted on March 26 in Besham area of ​​Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province. Pakistan's investigation revealed that the attack was planned and carried out by the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) from its bases in Afghanistan.

Foreign Office spokeswoman Mumtaz Zahra Baloch was asked at the weekly press briefing whether Pakistani officials, at a meeting in Kabul on Thursday, had demanded the Afghan interim government to hand over the perpetrators of the March 2 brazen attack.

The spokesperson replied, "Yes, the answer is positive" "Pakistan shared the findings of the Besham attack and sought assistance from Afghanistan in apprehending the perpetrators," he said.He said the Afghan side is committed to preventing the use of its soil for terrorist activity and has agreed to work with Pakistan to examine the findings of the investigation and take the investigation to its logical conclusion.

Baloch said Pakistan is committed to fighting terrorist elements, terrorist groups and their sponsors as the lives of law enforcement and security officials are lost and the people of the country have made huge sacrifices. "Therefore, Pakistan is committed to fighting these terrorist elements," he said.

Baloch said Pakistan believes terrorism is a threat not only to Afghanistan but to Pakistan and the wider region. He said it is important that action is taken against terrorist groups and their sponsors so that the people of Afghanistan, the people of Pakistan and the wider region can live in peace and security.Earlier, on the special instructions of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Secretary Interior Muhammad Khurram Aga visited Kabul on Thursday and held a detailed meeting with interim Afghan Deputy Interior Minister Muhammad Nabi Omari.

"At the meeting, which focused on the March 26 terrorist attack in Besham, the Interior Secretary shared the Pakistan government's findings into the Besham attack and sought Afghanistan's assistance in apprehending the perpetrators," the FO said in a separate statement.

The Afghan side reiterated its commitment to stop using its soil for any terrorist activity against other countries, including Pakistan. The Afghan side also agreed to examine the findings of the investigation and expressed resolve to work with the Pakistan side to take the investigation to its logical conclusion.

Both sides agreed to remain engaged to counter the threat posed by terrorists to regional countries and address the concerns raised by Pakistan.