Karachi [Pakistan] Pakistan's massive metropolis, Karachi, with more than 2 million residents (some estimates go as high as 30 million), faces severe water scarcity, leaving both business owners and the general public struggling to afford this most basic necessity. Struggling to do and manage.
Ashfaq, a resident of the city, said, “We have been struggling with this problem for a long time, often either there is no water for us or the water that comes in the pipelines laid by the government is not fit for any use. And There is reasonable time when water will be supplied. Sometimes sewer water gets mixed in the water pipelines which causes health problems. “We are often forced to buy water tanks at high prices throughout the month.We are often left with no option and have to make do with packaged drinking water, besides, many people in our family have fallen ill due to using this dirty water,” said Ashfaq, a resident of Karachi. Another resident, Najam, mentioned several other issues related to this. Water, he said, "is either not drinking water, or it is unfit for any use, the government has not even bothered to pay attention to the subject, our family members are falling ill again and again , and we are forced to use packaged drinkin' water." , Najam said, "Either we suffer from thirst or we are neglected. And there is no other option for us. Now, we can only request the government to please provide us basic facilities like water frit for use." Do it.,
Mohammad Yameen, another citizen of Karachi, who has been living for about 7 years, also mentioned some other problems and said, “I need to know what resources the general public gets in Pakistan. We do not have electricity , there is no water." We don't have food and what can we do about it, this is our only option in the country. “I am worried about the coming generation because they will also suffer from the same fat that we are facing today. And the biggest problem in this matter is the tanker mafia. They are involved in deep corruption with the officials, and this is the reason That even the officials are not bothering to look into this matter.And because of this we have to suffer losses and we are left with no option," Yameen said. "We are now fed up because we raise the same issue with every government every time and they raise it in every election. Give us false promises. In every election, a promise is made to solve the problem, but the problem remains as it is and there is no solution. “For once, the government should understand that this is not just a matter of vote bank politics, it is a matter of buying expensive water, it is a matter of diseases, it is a matter of fulfilling promises and most importantly Ensuring basic amenities for the people,” he said.