Pune: Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Home Minister Devendra Fadnavis have reportedly directed for strict action in the case of a car accident involving a 17-year-old boy in which two people died, the Pune police chief said on Tuesday.

According to police officials, a Porsche car, allegedly driven by Kishore, who police claim was drunk at the time, hit two motorcyclists at Kalyani Nagar in Pune city in the early hours of Sunday, killing them. Death occurred.

Police have detained the boy's father, a real estate developer, and arrested three officials of two hotels for serving liquor to the teen.

"The Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister and Home Minister (Fadnavis), and (Pune) Guardian Minister (Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar) have directed the police to take strict action in this matter. Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar told reporters here. Said, "He has also directed for strict action.",

He addressed public concerns that police were not taking adequate action in the case.

Kumar confirmed that both the government and the police are committed to taking strict action against those responsible for the incident.

When asked about any pressure on the police in this case, the officer said that the police has been working as per the law since the beginning and there is no pressure from anyone on the police.

He said, "I mentioned yesterday that we are ready to discuss every legal step taken by the police. We have taken as stringent action as possible. If legal experts believe that more stringent provisions are available, they should be put up for public discussion." Should come forward.,

Kumar said that on the first day, apart from Section 304 (causing death by negligence), the police also imposed Section 30 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) of the Indian Penal Code.

"We had also filed an application before the court, seeking permission to treat the juvenile as an adult due to the heinous nature of his act. Unfortunately, the court rejected our application. We have now approached the district sessions court “We have knocked on the door and are waiting for the decision.” He said.Kumar said the teenager's blood report was still awaited. However, CCTV footage of the restaurant and bill payments made there indicate that the teen had consumed alcohol.

On allegations that the juvenile was given "preferential treatment" while in custody after the incident, Kumar said if police personnel were found directly or indirectly aiding the juvenile then strict action would be taken against them.

A group of friends were returning on a motorcycle in Sunda after a party around 3.15 am when a speeding Porsche hit a motorcycle at the Kalyan Nagar junction.

Police said two riders – Anees Awadhiya and Ashwini Costa, both 24-year-old professionals and hailing from Madhya Pradesh – died of their injuries.The accused teenager was later produced before the Juvenile Justice Boar, from where he was granted bail after a few hours.

According to the police, a case has been registered against the youth under Indian Penal Code section 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) and provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act.

Police had registered a case against the teen's father, a real estate developer, under sections 75 and 77 of the Juvenile Justice Act and against the owners and staff members of the bar establishments for serving liquor to an underage person.

An officer had earlier said that investigation into these cases has been transferred to the crime branch.

Section 75 deals with "willfully neglecting a child, or exposing a child to mental or physical illness", while Section 77 deals with supplying intoxicating liquor or drugs to a child.