New Delhi, India Meteorological Department on Monday said that due to the latest western disturbance, the north-western and central parts of the country are likely to get some respite from the scorching heat after three days.

According to IMD chief Mrityunjay Mohapatra, heat wave was observed in Rajasthan and Gujarat for nine to 12 days and the temperature reached 45-50 degrees Celsius.

Mohapatra said, "Relief from heat is expected in north-west and central parts of the country after three days due to western disturbance and moisture coming from the Arabian Sea. There may be some stormy activities over north-west India and western Himalayan region." It may rain." Said in a virtual press conference.

Five-seven heatwave days were recorded in Delhi, south Haryana, south-west UP and Punjab, where the maximum temperature ranged between 44 degrees Celsius to 48 degrees Celsius, he said.

Assam also experienced heat wave with record breaking temperatures on 25-26 May.

The IMD attributed the heat wave over northwest India and parts of the central region in the second fortnight of May to lack of rain, strong winds and heat waves and an anti-cyclonic circulation over southwest Rajasthan and adjoining Gujarat. .

Mohapatra said that of the five western disturbances affecting North India, only two were active.