TAIPEI [China], Following talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) criticized the Chinese leader for meeting the former president without any concrete Failed to take action. Establish communication with the current Taiwan government, Taiwan News reports. Chinese President Xi Jinping held rare talks with former pro-China Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou on Wednesday, nearly a decade after their 2015 summit in Singapore. The Chinese leader stressed that no outside interference can prevent the reunification of the two. countries. MOFA, reacting to their meeting, said the Taiwanese people are concerned about China's increasingly frequent military threats, diplomatic pressure, economic pressure and attempts to unilaterally change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait.The ministry further said that Beijing's efforts to promote its stance on Taiwan through this meeting are in line with the "one China principle" and using the so-called '1992 consensus' to subvert its country's sovereignty. "Can't hide China's ambition," Taiwan News reports. It said that if China truly wants to demonstrate goodwill toward Taiwan, I "should immediately stop all forms of coercion against Taiwan, accept Taiwan's mainstream public opinion, and set aside differences." "We must resume dialogue with Taiwan's democratically-elected government to resolve the issues." About reciprocity. MOFA underlined that Xi's meeting with Ma coincided with the US-Japan summit and was on the eve of the US-Japan-Philippines summit. It urged Beijing to take concrete action to maintain and promote peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.According to Taiwan News, on the positive development of cross-Strait relations, the ministry highlighted that this year marks the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act and that in recent years, Taiwan, the US and like-minded countries worked together to maintain Is. Peace in the Taiwan Strait It further pledged that Taiwan will continue to cooperate with countries, including the US, to jointly maintain this "hard-won achievement" and safeguard regional peace and stability.