New Delhi [India], A transformative era is on the horizon for India's leasing sector, according to FICCI and PwC's latest report 'Unveiling Opportunities: Exploring India's Leasing Landscape'. The report highlights leasing as an important mechanism to promote growth. The ability to access high quality machinery has been highlighted as an important factor that drives industries, both in the private and public sectors, with implications for financial inclusion, especially among micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Can lead to 'self-reliant India' of the government. Rajeev Sabharwal, Chairman of FICCI's National Committee on NBFCs and MD & CE, Tata Capital, on the 'Make in India' initiative, emphasized on the transformative potential of the leasing industry in India, saying, “The leasing industry in India is at the cusp of transformation. , which is being shaped by a number of factors coming together, these factors include the entry of new players into the market including original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), diversification of asset classes and realizing the benefits of leasing as a financing tool for businesses. Is included., Sabharwal said, “The industry is still in its early stages compared to the progress seen in some of the more developed markets such as Germany, Australia, Japan, the UK and the US. On the contrary, this also indicates that the industry has tremendous potential. " Also seeing growth in the Indian market, Siddharth Dewan, Partner – Digital and Strategy at PwC India, highlighted the important role of leasing in India's journey towards sustainable growth and economic resilience. The importance of the leasing market has increased. By fostering innovation, facilitating access to capital and boosting efficiency, leasing emerges as a catalyst for economic growth and inclusive growth in the country”, said Diwan at Gujarat International Finance Tech-City (GIFT City). is recognized as a key driver for leasing.The industry, its state-of-the-art infrastructure and business-friendly environment has attracted both global and domestic companies to set up leasing operations, providing a strong platform for growth. The increasing demand for flexible and cost-effective solutions has significantly increased the interest in leasing. Services. Companies benefit from accessing the asset with minimal upfront cost, allowing them to adapt and upgrade as needed. This approach aligns with circular economy principles, promoting asset re-use and leasing is also penetrating various sectors such as technology, agriculture and renewable energy, thereby promoting inter-industry collaboration.The leasing industry is undergoing a significant digital transformation leveraging technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Data Analytics Artificial Intelligence.
, Machine Learning (ML), Blockchain and telematics, these innovations streamline processes, enhance risk assessment and improve customer experiences. With remote property inspections powered by drones and augmented reality, the industry is poised for a new era of efficiency and improved user satisfaction. There is growing interest in sustainable and green leasing driven by environmental concerns. Both lessors and lessees are adopting environmentally friendly practices and including environmental clauses and performance standards in lease contracts.This trend promotes energy efficiency and sustainability within the leasing industry.