Yogi Adityanath said this while responding to Kejriwal's claims during a press conference in Lucknow.

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convenor claimed that there are plans to remove Yoga Adityanath from the post of Chief Minister if the BJP retains power.

"Kejriwal, who ruined Anna Hazare's dreams, is now taking my name. He had made Anna Hazare protest against Congress and is now making the party his own thing. He has ruined Anna Hazare's dreams. Anna Hazare can never forgive him for this." This is a sin,” CM Adityanath said while addressing a rally in Hamirpur.

Meanwhile, he also said that there is a lot of difference between the Bundelkhand of 10 years ago and the Bundelkhand of today.

"Earlier, mafias were dominant here, there was terror of mining mafia, LAN mafia, forest mafia and dacoits. Samajwadi Party and Congress have been the protectors of these mafias and dacoits. They used to send such elements from here as public representatives." At that time, the same mafia and dacoits used to exploit the people and loot their resources.

"Youth of Bundelkhand
"If they could not migrate, daughters and sisters were forced to carry pots on their heads to fetch water from miles away," the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister said.

He also said that Samajwadi Party, Congress, AAP and RJD are unanimous.

"When they come to power, they suck the blood of the common man. It is our good fortune that we have seen a changing India. The country is increasing its prestige in the world today. Lord Ram has ascended the throne after 500 years." He said, "When Ram set out for the forest, he chose Chitrakoot and Bundelkhand."