These guidelines serve as a strategic blueprint for coal mining companies, facilitating the effective planning, execution and monitoring of mining activities, while maintaining strict environmental, social and safety standards.

The primary goal is to optimize coal resource extraction through sustainable practices that minimize waste and improve operational efficiency. This strategic approach includes advanced technological integration to streamline operations, thus achieving environmental and economic sustainability, according to a statement from the Ministry.

Health and safety measures form a cornerstone of the revised guidelines, ensuring the protection of mining personnel and local communities. Robust infrastructure and safety protocols are imperative to safeguard all stakeholders involved in coal mining operations.

The revised draft guidelines also focus on responsible mining practices that boost the coal industry while prioritizing ecosystem preservation.

This implies the mandatory inclusion of restoration, remediation and regeneration measures in mining plans to ensure the sustainable management of natural resources.

By minimizing environmental impacts, addressing community concerns, and promoting continuous improvement in water quality monitoring, the guidelines aim to encourage a more sustainable and ethical approach to coal mining.

Key reforms introduced in the revised draft Mining Plan and Mine Closure Guidelines include:

* Greater flexibility for minor modifications to mining plans, with major changes requiring approval from the Coal Controlling Organization (CCO).

* Preference for continuous and blast-free coal cutting technologies in mining methods.

* Implementation of comprehensive Safety Management Plans as per the Coal Mines Regulations 2017, including mandatory safety audits.

* Integration of fly ash filling protocols into mining plans to address related environmental concerns.

* Requirement for drone studies and processed results for comprehensive five-year Mining Plan compliance reports.

* Inclusion of sand for mine dunnage within the revised guidelines.

* Facilitating mine amalgamation for safer and more efficient operations, including the use of coal-free shafts for overburden dumping.

* Mandatory adoption of conveyor belts or rail transport for the evacuation of coal, promoting environmental sustainability.

* Mechanized loading requirement to optimize the movement of coal from the liner to end users, improving operational efficiency and environmental protection.

* Mandatory preparation of Temporary and Final Mine Closure Plans for mines abandoned or discontinued after 2009.