The latest report from the International Chamber of Commerce's International Maritime Bureau (IMB) calls for shipping vessels to remain vigilant when transiting the Somali coastline and the Gulf of Aden, as piracy remains a threat despite a decline in attacks since 2017. Has been made.

"From January 1 to June 30, three ships were hijacked, two ships each were attacked and fired upon, and one sank off Somalia/Aden," the IMB said in the report, Xinhua news agency reported. Tried to go into the waters of the Gulf."

It said recent incidents demonstrate the continued capability and capacity of Somali pirates to target ships up to 1,000 nautical miles from the Somali coast.

The anti-piracy body called for continued vigilance to protect seafarers amid rising violence despite an overall decline in the number of incidents reported in the IMB's mid-year report for 2024.

Incidents in the Gulf of Guinea have dropped from 14 to 10, according to the report, but the threat to crew safety and well-being remains a cause for concern.

The IMB reiterated the need for a sustained and strong regional and international naval presence to respond to these incidents and protect life at sea.