New Delhi, according to government data, the number of children in non-institutional care, including those in foster care, has quadrupled between 2021-22 and 2023-24.

In the 2021-22 financial year, 29,331 children were covered by non-institutional care. This number increased to 62,675 in 2022-23 and 1,21,861 in 2023-24, it stated.

In a recent letter to states and Union Territories (UTs), the Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) said this increase may be due to government initiatives to strengthen family care for all children in difficult circumstances.

However, the ministry acknowledged that despite the increase in approvals and releases of funds for non-institutional care during 2023-24, spending has been sluggish in most states until the quarter ending June 2024.

It has asked all states and UTs to review and expedite expenditure. District-level officials were directed to ensure that Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) allowed release of funds in Aadhaar under the non-institutional care component, the ministry said.

Highlighting the increase in the number of children in non-institutional care and its efforts under the Vatsalya Mission, the ministry said the mission provides a monthly subsidy of Rs 4,000 per child for sponsorship, foster care and "aftercare".

The guidelines stipulate that each district should have a Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee (SFCAC) under the district magistrate to implement and monitor these programmes. Eligible cases are referred to the Child Welfare Committees (CWC) for final order of sponsorship or foster care, facilities for those leaving institutional care after turning 18 years of age.

The WCD ministry has also shared the new foster care guidelines with states and UTs.

In its letter, the ministry sought personalized attention and proper direction from state and UT authorities to ensure faster implementation of these initiatives for the welfare of Children in Need of Care and Protection (CNCP) and Children in Conflict with Law (CCL).

Child rights activist Sanjay Gupta said the grant can only be made if there is better convergence between various state departments. He noted that in many states District Child Protection Units are still in the initial stages, overstretched and multitasking.

"CWCs lack proper guidance, training and infrastructure; beneficiaries lack basic legal documents like Aadhaar cards or bank accounts; state child protection societies are less active; and there is a lack of awareness among common people about the scheme. Vatsalya Mission," said Gupta. , Director of Childhood Improvement through Training and Action (Chetna).

"We request the ministry to carry out a rapid assessment at the state level of the status of legal compliance necessary for the provision of grants under the Vatsalya Mission and the reasons why the grants have not been released on time," he added. Gupta.