Sheopur (Madhya Pradesh), One of the six cubs born to South African cheetah 'Gamini' earlier this year, was found dead in the Kuno National Park (KNP) in Madhya Pradesh's Sheopur district on Tuesday, an official said.

An official release said the cub was found dead near its mother.

At around 4 pm, the team of veterinarians noticed that one cub was still lying near its mother, while the remaining five cubs were playing here and there. Subsequently, the cub was contacted for further investigation, but it was found dead.

The cause of death of the cub will be known after the post-mortem of the dead body.

Gamini gave birth to six cubs on March 10 this year.

After the death of this cub, there are now 26 cheetahs in KNP, including 13 cubs born in India.

The official said all the remaining 13 cubs and 13 adults born on Indian soil are fine.

As part of the ambitious cheetah reintroduction project, eight Namibian cheetahs, including five females and three males, were released into enclosures in the KNP on 17 September in 2022.

In February 2023, another batch of 12 cheetahs were brought to the park from South Africa.