New Delhi: Delhi Police on Friday arrested a man at AIIMS for imitating the former managing director of Lava International mobile company, who is an accused in the ED money laundering case against Chinese smartphone maker Vivo-India and others, officials said. he said. ,

On Thursday, Naval Kishore Ram was caught when he was getting his echocardiogram done at the ECHO lab of the medical institute named after Hariom Rai, former MD of Lava International Limited.

The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday had demanded Delhi Police to register an FIR against Hariom Rai, his son Prannoy Rai, Ram and some others. The alleged impersonator was arrested on Friday.

Hariom Rai was arrested by the ED in October last year on charges of money laundering against Vivo-India.He got three months bail from the Delhi High Court in February on medical grounds.

Hariom Rai had recently filed an application before the High Court to extend his medical bail on the grounds that he is suffering from heart-related problems. In response, the court ordered his cardiac health checkup at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and directed that the report be placed before it on Thursday.

A source said that a team of ED officers had reached AIIMS on Thursday to monitor the medical examination of Hariom Rai. However, he did not appeal till 1 pm, even though three emails were sent to him during this period.

His son told ED officials waiting at AIIMS that Hariom Rai was "unwell" and would reach the hospital "as soon as possible", the source said.Facing non-cooperation, the source said, ED officials and AIIMS staff reached the cardiology ECHO lab, where they were "shocked" to see that another person by the name of Hariom Rai was being examined by the doctor on duty and Court documents were being used.

The man, later identified as Naval Kishore Ram, "initially claimed" that he was Hari O Rai, but upon subsequent questioning, he told ED officials his real name.

He (Ram) said that he had been instructed by a doctor at Vasan Health Centre, a private health facility, to take the High Court documents and original medical records for Hariom Rai, and get the same for himself in Rai's name "free of charge". Get the cure.

Ram and his nephew were detained by the agency at AIIMS and later they were personally searched and a 'panchnama' was prepared.

The ED officer told the police through the FIR in the case, “He (Ram) was instructed to reveal his name as Hariom Rai.,

The ED charged Hariom Rai, Ram and others with "criminal conspiracy" and handed Ram over to the police, who arrested him on Friday.

Ram told ED officials that he had undergone a similar check-up in the name of Hari O Rai on May 8 and on Thursday, the former MD's aide Chandrashekhar Rai had brought him to AIIMS for a fresh check-up.

The ED found that Hariom Rai had also "arranged" for Ram to undergo a CT coronary angiogram at a private diagnostic clinic on March 5 and the report "wrongly attributed the cardiac findings to Hariom Rai.

The agency on Thursday informed the High Court about the alleged impersonation and fraud, following which Hariom Rai's bail extension was refused and he was sent to Tihar jail under judicial custody.

The police FIR against the accused has been registered under sections 419 (cheating by impersonation), 420 (cheating), 464 (making false documents), 468 (forgery), 47 (using forged document as genuine) and 120B (criminal conspiracy). Has been registered under.).