Washington, US President Joe Biden roasted his predecessor and political rival Donald Trump at the annual dinner for Washington's political and media elite and poked fun at his age, saying, "I'm a grown man going up against a six-year-old." "I am going."

Saturday's White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) dinner provided the platform for Biden, 81, to continue his humorous criticism of Trump, 77.

The high-profile event took place against a backdrop of growing opposition over Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war.

"Of course, the 2024 election is in full swing and yes, age is an issue: I'm a grown man and I'm running against a 6-year-old child," Biden said in the nearly 10-minute speech." to former President Trump, whom he called "Sleepy Don." Speaking to about 3,000 journalists, celebrities and politicians, Biden said, "Age is the only thing we have in common. My Vice President really supports me.

“Donald has gone through some difficult days recently. You can call it 'stormy' weather, Biden said, an oblique reference to Stormy Daniels, a porn actress who claims she had an affair and received hush money payments in the days before the 2018 election , at the center of which was a deal.New york trial.

The president pointed out a difference between his re-election campaign, which has ramped up since his State of the Union address last month, and Trump's. Both Biden and Trump have secured the delegates needed to win their respective party's nomination for the November 5 presidential primary election. This race, which will be a repeat of his 2020 election contest.

After several jokes aimed at Trump, Biden spoke in a more somber tone about his 2024 rival in front of reporters, lawmakers and celebrities.

“The defeated former president has made no secret of his attack on your democracy.He said that he wanted to become a dictator from day one. H tells supporters that he is their revenge and retribution. Protesters protesting media coverage of the Israel-Hamas war and the administration's handling of the conflict gathered near the Washington Hilton venue — and Biden made no direct reference to the protests or conflict during his speech. ,

As reporters and celebrities entered the Washington Hilton, protesters accused them of undermining the president's handling of the Israel-Hamas war and shouted, "Shame on you!" He urged them to speak out against the killing of journalists in Gaza.

Since Hamas' October 7 attacks, at least 97 journalists – 92 of whom are Palestinians – have been killed in the region, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, a nonprofit that is tracking the death toll. Is.Is..