New York [US], US Congresswoman Yoon Kim, representing California's 40th district, raised the issues and atrocities faced by Uyghurs in East Turkistan in a virtual conference on Thursday. US lawmaker Elie Wiesel was delivering a virtual statement during a two-day press conference in New York organized by the Foundation for Humanity, the World Uyghu Congress and the Uyghur Human Rights Project. In his statement, he highlighted that Uyghurs face genocide in the modern era. Concentration camp in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. “In the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Uyghurs face genocide in modern concentration camps, and are silenced, detained, imprisoned, tortured, and tortured every day by the Chinese government. Are brainwashed.“We cannot therefore turn a blind eye to the plight of the Uyghurs and to a regime that actively silences, enslaves, and oppresses its own people,” he further called for passage of the Uyghur Policy Act. Expressed Gratitude "I am proud that earlier this year, the House of Representatives passed my Uyghur Policy Act," he added, "The Uyghur Policy Act allows the United States to deny basic human rights and protect the rights of Uyghurs and other people subject to the Chinese government's inhumane treatment." equips us with the necessary tools to support the unique identities of other ethnic minorities,” he further shared his experience and said that as a Korean-American who grew up in South Korea after the Korean War, the global “Supporting human rights and holding authoritarian regimes accountable has become a top priority of my work as I serve as chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Indo-Pacific,” Kim said. She added, "There is more work to be done and I will continue to push forward against the Chinese government's propaganda, coercion, and abuses and support human rights and freedoms around the world." Another US congressman, Ami Bera, who helped Kim craft the Uyghur Policy Act, said, "This bill seeks to protect the unique ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic identity of the Uyghur people and to respect the human rights and religious traditions of the Uyghur people." "Takes important steps to promote U.S. efforts to promote freedom in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region."The United States Congress must remain vigilant in our efforts to uphold human rights at home and abroad. Additionally, Omar Kanat, another prominent human rights activist and executive director of the Uyghur Human Rights Project, said this would give great hope to Uyghurs, and asked the Senate to take action without delay.