Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], As the acclaimed film 'Yuva' celebrates its 20th anniversary on May 22, legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan on Thursday took to Twitter to share nostalgia for his son Abhishek Bachchan's remarkable performance in the film. Took help of social media. Wrote the post. Senior Bachchan recalls the moment Abhishek's talent was recognized with an award Amitabh shares a touching old picture of himself and Abhishek from the awards ceremony, where Abhishek won the Stardust Award for Actor of the Year - Male , and also shared photos for his role in '. 'Yuva', Amitabh recalls the touching moment when Abhishek invited him on stage after receiving the award and gave the award to his father, "When Abhishek won the award for Yuva...when his name was announced When I went, he took me on stage and gave me the award." Awards...'' the 81-year-old actor wrote.

> View this post on Instagram A post shared by Amitabh Bachchan (@amitbhbachchan)

He expressed in Hindi that whatever was his, was also his son's, highlighting his deep bond and pride for Abhishek.In his social media post, Amitabh Bachchan praised Abhishek's acting and called it the best. In an affectionate note to Lallan Singh, played by Abhishek Bachchan in Mani Ratnam's 2004 film, he wrote, "Celebrating 20 years of its release today! What a film and what a brilliant performance Bhayyu... you are the best. " 'Yuva', is one of his most famous roles. The film also featured lead actors Ajay Devgan, Vivek Oberoi and Rann Mukherjee. While reacting to a fan's post on Instagram on the 20 year journey of 'Yuva', Abhishek also expressed disbelief on it. Time is passing and important milestones are being acknowledged. Meanwhile, Abhishek will be seen leading Shoojit Sircar's film in the coming months.It will be released on 15th November. The project was officially launched at Prime Video's event in Mumbai this year. Although Abhishek and Shoojit did not reveal the title of the film, the duo assured that the project will bring a smile to the audience's face, "I make films about ordinary lives and try to make those ordinary characters extraordinary. This movie will make you smile and smile." “Makes you feel warm,” Shoojit said at the event.''Sometimes life gives us second chances,'' reads the project's official synopsis, ''and for Arjun, who immigrated to America in search of ''The American Dream.'' ''This is the opportunity. Rediscover and embrace the precious bond you share with your daughter. It further reads, “Shoojit Sircar has envisioned an intrinsically emotional journey with an entertaining narrative through this story, in which a father and daughter explore the wonders of life. The film forces us to discover the true value of life's fleeting moments, learning to cherish each one. Johnny Lever, Ahilya Bamru and Jayant Kripalani are also a part of the film, with Abhishek also returning to the famous 'Housefull' franchise.In the fifth part, he will be seen sharing the screen with Akshay Kumar and Riteish Deshmukh.