Guneet said: "From being in rooms where male colleagues had to communicate on my behalf in order to be taken seriously, to leading international co-productions and studio-level projects, I have seen progress and actively I have been involved since." two decades."

"Yet 'O Womania!' The 2023 report still suggests a lack of gender diversity in key film production departments. Only 12 percent of department head positions were held by women."

At a special Cannes Film Festival event organized by the Paris Film Region en WIF (Women in Film, Los Angeles), the official launch of a new Women in Film chapter was announced; Wife: India.

According to a statement, WIF: India aims to bring equality and opportunity for women who want to pursue careers in the screen industries.An advisory council of industry leaders with representation from across India will be assembled to support WIF's programming and advocacy: India including research, mentorship, a creative lab for women filmmakers.

She added, “Throughout its 50 years, WIF has worked to change the culture in Hollywood by helping to build a pipeline of emerging female creators. My hope for WIF is: India will be the systemic leader in helping women access these jobs. To help break down the barriers to change – by offering mentorship, networking and opening up fellowships, workshops and an industry helpline to help sustain the careers of those currently in the industry. Is.

“Women truly are the future, and with WIF and WIF: India, we hope to harness that unlimited potential, creating equality and opportunity for women seeking careers in the screen industries.