SRV Medi New Delhi [India], April 22: In the digital age, electronic devices have become an integral part of our lives, from smartphones and laptops to home appliances and entertainment systems. However, with the rapid pace of technological advancements also comes a growing concern: electronic waste, or e-waste. According to recent findings by Shashi Shekhar, Founder, Fox Compliance Services Pvt Ltd, the rate of e-waste generation globally is outpacing recycling efforts, with e-waste ranging from mobile phones and computers to discarded electronic components and components. Has been included. For television and refrigerator. As consumers are upgrading to new models at an ever-increasing rate, the amount of e-waste is increasing, posing significant threats to the environment and health if not properly managed.
Shashi Shekhar, a leading expert on environmental compliance and sustainability, emphasizes the urgent need for improved recycling practices and regulations to address the growing e-waste crisis.He underlines the importance of adopting a circular economy approach, where electronic products are designed, produced and disposed of in a way that minimizes waste and maximizes resource efficiency. One of the major challenges highlighted by Shekhar is the lack of comprehensive e-waste management infrastructure. Many parts of the world. Developing countries, in particular, often struggle with inadequate recycling facilities and regulatory frameworks, leading to improper disposal practices such as landfilling and informal recycling methods that endanger both the environment and human health. To deal with this issue, Shekhar advocates collaborative efforts involving governments, businesses. , and civil society organizations will establish robust e-waste management systems.This includes implementing extended yield responsibility (EPR) schemes, where manufacturers are held accountable for the end-of-life disposal of their products, as well as promoting public awareness and education on the importance of responsible e-waste recycling. Is.
Furthermore, Shekhar stressed the potential economic benefits of e-waste recycling, citing opportunities for job creation, resource recovery and development of secondary markets for recycled materials. By encouraging the recycling industry and promoting innovation in waste management technologies, Shekhar believes that e-waste can be transformed from an emerging crisis to a valuable resource stream. In conclusion, the findings presented by Shashi Shekhar underline the urgent need for concrete action to address the growing challenge. of global e-waste production.By prioritizing sustainable practices, investing in infrastructure and fostering collaboration across sectors, we can reduce the environmental and social impacts of e-waste, as well as unlock its potential for a more circular and resource-efficient economy. can do.