"He first violated the 'maryada' at Sri Harmandar Sahib, hurting the sentiments of the Sikh community after posting objectionable photos or videos on his social media," said the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), the religion's 'Mini Parliament'. Sikh. , saying.

Noting that after Sri Harmandar Sahib's manager lodged a complaint against her and Amritsar police registered an FIR under Section 295-A of the IPC, Makwana apologized for the incident, "but even after his apology, he continued publishing objectionable content." on social media of her instigating and provoking people on public platforms to stop visiting Gurdwara Sahib and carried out false propaganda against the SGPC."

"It appears that Archana is working under a nefarious and hateful agenda," said the SGPC, which has control over Sikh religious affairs and manages gurdwaras in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, including the holiest of Sikh shrines, Harmandar Sahib, popularly known as like Golden Temple.

"In a video today, she claims that the leadership of Sri Harmandar Sahib has not shown any guidelines related to the maryada, while the fact is that there is a large screen installed at the entrance gate of Ghanta Ghar, through which she entered . claims that no one stopped her from making videos or clicking photos, while the fact is that the sewadar on duty stopped her at the entrance gate on June 21, when she was filming her entry with a mobile while washing her feet in Charan . Ganga,” she said, adding that she also “threatened” the SGPC leadership to withdraw the FIR lodged against her.

"If she apologized, why does she continue to publish objectionable and hateful expressions towards the SGPC, the representative body of Sikhs?" she said.

The SGPC also said that Makwana did not even pay obeisance at Sri Harmandar Sahib or any related Gurdwara Sahib within the complex on June 21, adding that she had also visited Sri Harmandar Sahib on June 20, when she paid obeisance and made some ' sewa', "but that does not give him freedom to come the next day and violate the maryada."

She said that on her first visit she was provided with all the possible guidance she sought, "but on June 21 she did not consider it necessary to seek any guidance and did a reprehensible act within the complex."

In such a situation, the SGPC leadership said it demands that Makwana be arrested "to uncover the nefarious anti-Sikh design under which she appears to have been working and for her case to be decided in a court of law."

She said Sri Harmandar Sahib is open to people of all backgrounds without any discrimination, however, following the rules is mandatory for all visitors and devotees.

The SGPC said that the Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib has ordered the 'sangat' who come to pay homage to Sri Harmandar Sahib to take care of the 'maryada' inside the complex, including keeping their phones switched off, while "artists who come to pay The reverence here should not use this sacred place for the promotion of their movies, songs, etc., but should get spiritual power from here."

The incident sparked outrage among the Sikh community and the Amritsar police issued a notice to Makwana.

"If she does not appear before June 30, two more notices will be issued to her. If she still does not appear before the police, a team will be sent to arrest her," said a senior police official.

Amritsar Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police Darpan Ahluwalia said Makwana's statement would be recorded first and she would only be arrested after that.

The social media influencer was booked last week by the Punjab Police under IPC section 295-A (deliberate and malicious intention to outrage religious sentiments of any kind) for hurting religious sentiments by doing yoga within the facilities of the Golden Temple, according to the SGPC complaint. . The Gujarat police provided him protection after receiving multiple threat calls.