Sipahijala (Tripura) [India], In the lush green landscape of Kanchan Mala, a village in Sekerkot area of ​​Sipahijala district in Tripura, Parimal Das, battling the uncertainties of unemployment, has turned his life around and is an example for others. Have established. With unemployment rates in various parts of India a matter of concern, dragon fruit cultivation is emerging as a promising opportunity not only to generate income but also a sustainable way of life for many families in Tripura. Is also installing.
Parimal Das, speaking exclusively to ANI, confessed that, at one time, he was struggling with the uncertainties of unemployment, but is now enjoying the success of his dragon fruit farm. Just eight months after planting his first crop, he noticed a significant change in his financial situation. position, highlighting the potential of dragon fruit farming as a fast income generating endeavor “Dragon fruit farming has allowed me to provide for my family in a way I never thought possible Was.It's not just about financial gain; It is about creating sustainable and healthy lifestyle,” he said, adding that Parimal Das's success story serves as an inspirational model for the youth facing employment challenges. His efforts not only support his family, but also demonstrate the feasibility of agricultural entrepreneurship. Dragon fruit, or "pitaya", is in demand not only because of its exotic appeal, but also for its myriad health benefits, which include boosting immunity, aiding digestion, improving digestion, and more. It also has beneficial properties for heart health, and even diabetes and cancer patients. This has led to high demand for Fruit Bot in domestic and international markets.Dragon fruit cultivation is relatively less labor-intensive than other crops. The plants bear fruit for six to seven months every year, ensuring a steady supply and consistent income. According to agricultural experts, a small family unit of four to five members can comfortably count on earnings from a moderately sized dragon fruit garden. Tripura is now advocating more widespread adoption of dragon fruit cultivation. Training sessions, workshops and start-up subsidies are being considered to motivate and support aspirin farmers.