Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) [India], Himachal Pradesh Congress Committee working president Sanjay Awasthi on Monday said that the protests against Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Kangana Ranaut reflect the growing anger of the people towards the BJP. Actor-politician Kangana Ranaut was again shown black flags and slogans were raised during her visit to Kaza in Himachal Pradesh's Lahaul-Spit district on Monday. People also raised slogans against actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut saying "Kangana Ranaut go back". Notably, the BJP has alleged that Congress workers were behind the protest, after Kangana Ranaut, along with former chief minister Jairam Thakur, had gone to Kaza to address a public rally. Awasthi emphasized that despite ruling for a decade, the BJP today lacks adequate issues and is resorting to empty promises for 2047.The condition of the party has deteriorated to such an extent that they neither have relevant issues nor the ability to mislead the public, such as BJ candidate Kangana Ranaut facing protests with black flags and "go back" slogans “In Lahaul-Spiti, it reflects the growing anger of the people towards the BJP. Similarly, in Haryana, BJP candidates are facing public opposition,” according to a press release from the HP Congress Committee. Awasthi said while BJP candidates are facing opposition in the state, Congress candidates are getting support due to the effective implementation of welfare schemes within a short period of 15 months by the state government under the leadership of Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal. . Awasthi said that while BJP candidates are facing opposition, Congress candidates are getting support due to the effective implementation of welfare schemes of the state government within a short period of 15 months under the leadership of Chief Minister Sukhbi Singh Badal. The people of the state are openly associating with the Congress candidates,” according to the release.BJP's Kangana Ranaut is contesting from Mandi Lok Sabha seat against senior Congress leader and late former Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh's son Vikramaditya Singh. Mandi constituency holds symbolic importance for the Congress, as it is considered the stronghold of the Virbhadra family. This seat is currently held by Pratibha Devi Singh, widow of the late leader. He snatched the seat for Congress in the by-election held after the death of the then BJP MP Ram Swaroop Sharma. The voting to be held in Himachal on June 1 will not only give competition to the contenders for Lok Sabha membership on four seats.In fact, they also elect members for the assembly seats left vacant after the resignation and switchover of disgruntled Congress MLAs. The BJP, which won all four Lok Sabha seats in the state in the 2014 elections, is eyeing a lead again this time.