Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Filmmaker Karan Johar has come on board for NT Jr.'s Telugu drama 'Devra: Part 1', Karan on Wednesday announced his partnership with the team of 'Devra' on Instagram. He revealed that Dharma Productions and AA Films have acquired the North India theatrical distribution rights of 'Devra', which also stars NTR Jr along with Janhvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan in lead roles. And extremely grateful to be a part of it – Man of Mass Jr NTR's Devara. We are extremely thrilled and proud to announce our partnership with Norte Theatrical distribution rights for the next big cinematic experience in Indian cinema.'' NTR Jr. also shared his meeting with Team 'Devra' on his social media. Confirming, "Delighted to team up with our country's dynamic distributors, Karan Johar and A Films for the North India theatrical distribution of #Devra! Looking forward to it." Big release on 10th October 2024! Janhvi reposted Karan's update on her Instagram story and captioned it, "Prepare yourself for a big storm (ocean waves emoji) My special journey begins now in partnership with my @DharmaMovies family. Man O Masse Jr NTR's 'Devra' will hit the theaters on October 10, 2024." Recently, at an event in Hyderabad, NTR Jr spoke in detail to his fans about 'Devra: Par 1'. 'Devra 'It will be worth it and every fan will proudly raise their collar after the release of the film.'Devra' will release on October 10. It is directed by Koratala Siva.