The PM claimed, "They have started this experiment in Karnataka. After coming to power there, they issued an order overnight that all Muslims are OBCs. They looted the OB reservation quota and gave reservation to Muslims. Congress is doing this in the entire country. Wants to do it." Modi addressed campaign rallies for Shiv Sena candidate Shrikant Shinde from Kalyan and BJP candidate Kapil Patil from Bhiwandi.

"But what has been the intention of the Congress? Today, I am going to tell this to all the 140 crore countrymen for the first time. This is a serious subject which needs attention. The Congress believes that the government's budget There should be 15 per cent exclusively to minorities. Budget allocation is compulsorily made on the basis of religion, many years ago, the Congress had approved this idea of ​​budget allocation on the basis of religion," he said.

In his speech, the Prime Minister accused the Congress of even considering confiscating properties to appease its vote bank.

He said, “Congress can never talk about development. For them, development means only the development of those who vote for them.'' He said the grand old party also demands respect for Pakistan because it has nuclear weapons.

He remarked, "When Congress rules, Pakistan threatens us. And, when Congress does not rule, I threaten us that Pakistan will threaten us."