Mumbai, Aviation safety regulator Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has issued an advisory circular on "Gender Equality in Civil Aviation Sector" to stakeholders to increase the number of women in various positions to ensure 25 per cent representation by 2025.

Stakeholders are advised to promote “improved representation” of women in the aviation workforce, initiate leadership and mentorship programs for women in the organization, address the issue of stereotyping and gender bias and create better working conditions for women employees. Promote life balance, an official source gave this information on Wednesday.

According to the official, the circular is in line with the principle of gender equality enshrined in the Indian Constitution and the vision of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to promote level playing field to achieve gender parity in aviation.

The circular lists various steps that can be taken by stakeholders to improve their policies and practices to address gender equality issues at the workplace.

"These steps include adopting a policy of zero tolerance towards sexual harassment, identifying diversity objectives and formulating HR policies to achieve them, diversifying the work profile of women employees, highlighting women role models/achievers and Other convenient steps include promoting gender inclusive work culture,” the official said.