Chemotherapy and other treatments that eliminate cancer cells can also destroy patients' immune cells.

In some cases, a patient's white blood cell (WBC) count becomes dangerously low, a condition known as neutropenia, and the only way for doctors to monitor their patient's white blood cells is through a blood test. Is testing.

However, according to MIT, this new device will help doctors remotely identify life-threatening infections in cancer patients.

According to MIT, instead of drawing blood, this device uses light to see through the skin at the top of the nail and uses artificial intelligence to analyze and detect when WBCs reach dangerously low levels.

Carlos Castro-Gonzalez, co-founder and CEO of Leuko, a former Chemotherapy doses can be individualized."Postdoctorate at MIT.

"If a patient is not becoming neutropenic, that might be a sign that you can increase the dose. Then each treatment can be tailored based on how each patient is responding individually," he said.

The technology was first developed by researchers at MIT in 2015. Over the next few years, he built a prototype and conducted a small study to validate his approach.In a study of 44 patients in 2019, Leuko's team showed that this approach was able to detect when WBC levels had dropped below a critical threshold with minimal false positives.

MIT said the company has been working with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the past four years to confirm that their device is accurate and easy to use by untrained patients.

Later this year, they hope to begin a pivotal study that will be used to file the registration for FDA approval.