New Delhi [India], India lifted the ban on export of onion from Friday. The decision comes with the forecast of strong Kharif crop production, favorable monsoon in 2024 as well as stable market conditions at both the mandi and retail levels. "All restrictions on onion exports have been lifted from today," Consumer Affairs Department Secretary Nidhi Khare said at a press conference in Delhi. “This is basically considering Rabi 2024 production as an approved Kharif prospect due to above normal monsoon,” he said. He further added that “the current market situation with both mandi and retail -The international availability and price situation was also stable. As per official estimates, Rabi 2024 onion production is around 19 lakh tonnes, which is quite comfortable considering the monthly domestic. Consumption of about 17 lakh tonnes, export of onion was banned from December 8, 2023, to increase domestic supply against an estimated 20 per cent decline in Kharif and late Kharif production, the government said due to the ban on exports. Helped maintain the price. The removal of export restrictions with the advent of the Rabi 2024 crop is expected to boost India's onion trade and contribute to the country's overall economic stability. With favorable crop conditions and adequate supplies, the move will provide support to both domestic consumers and export markets. Profits are likely to be generated, which will ensure stable prices and adequate availability of onions in the coming months. Rabi onion harvesting during April-June accounts for 65 per cent of India's onion production and consumer demand till the Kharif crop harvest in October-November. completes.