Speaking to reporters in Jaipur on Friday, Dilawar said, "The party which does activities that break the country and society will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If BAP leaders do not consider themselves Hindus then their DNA should be tested." ."

Reacting to the minister's remarks, the BAP, which has three MLAs in the state assembly, said in a post on Twitter: "Madan Dilawar has been making controversial statements. His recent statement about the tribal community that people who consider themselves Hindus We do not believe that they should get the DNA test done, it is highly condemnable. We demand the central government to issue a DNA card on the lines of Aadhaar card, which should be made the basis of identification.

Commenting on the issue, BAP MP from Banswara Rajkumar Roat said, "The Education Minister has lost his mental balance after his party (BJP) lost the Lok Sabha elections in Banswara and elsewhere in the state. The people of Rajasthan will tell him that Whose DNA should be tested?

Roat said, "This is the Education Minister of Rajasthan, who comments on tribals and Hinduism. Imagine what kind of education he will give to the children!"

He also reiterated that tribals are not Hindus, as he told Dilawar, "What you are opposing has been proved in various courts."

Meanwhile, many tribal leaders have started a campaign against the Education Minister's remarks on social media with the hashtag 'Tribals are not Hindus'.