New Delhi [India], Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he was seeking advice on how to "return money looted by corruption to the people", adding that Rs 17,000 crore had already been returned to corruption victims. . In an exclusive interview with Republic, the Prime Minister pointed out that the seized Rs 1.25 lakh crore could be returned to the victims "In Kerala, there has been a big co-operative bank scam. These are controlled by communists. The money belonged to the middle class" and The poor. I have attached the properties of the politicians involved in this.I am taking legal advice on this, but in many cases we have found out who has given the looted money to whom due to corruption,” the Prime Minister said. "Our agencies have seized another Rs 1.25 lakh crore, we see a lot of cash being seized on TV, this money belongs to the poor and middle class society," he said. The Prime Minister completely rejected the allegations of the opposition party regarding misuse of central agencies. He said, "When the piles of cash are obvious, how can anyone doubt the action of CBI or ED. The truth is that corrupt people are being caught red-handed." Earlier, Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP Jairam Ramesh had on March 3 alleged that no government in the past has misused investigating agencies and weakened constitutional institutions as much as the Narendra Modi government did during the last ten years. Is.Speaking to ANI, he said that the Atal Bihar Vajpayee-led NDA government in the past was different from the current government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, because the Vajpayee government never punished the opposition leaders as harshly as the Narendra Modi government. "Misusing investigative agencies, threatening political parties, the Supreme Court, the media and other constitutional institutions which were supposed to be independent – ​​these kind of things never happened during the Vajpayee regime, this is the kind of strategy we used." Never seen,” said Jairam Ramesh.