“Adoption of green manure is in line with the principles of sustainable agriculture. By replenishing soil nutrients and organic matter, green manure reduces dependence on chemical fertilizers” says Parvinder Singh Gehlot.

In recent years, the conversation around sustainable agricultural practices has gained momentum around the world. As concerns about soil health, environmental sustainability and food security continue to grow, experts like Parvinde Singh Gehlot have emphasized the important role of green manures in revolutionizing farming techniques. Parvinder Singh Gehlot, Managing Director, Indian Potash Limited (IPL), says, “Green manure, a natural and eco-friendly practice, promises to rejuvenate soil fertility while mitigating the adverse effects of unscientific farming practices. Does it.,

Understanding Green Manure and its Soil Enhancement Benefits

Green manures refer to crops that are grown specifically for the purpose of adding to the soil rather than being harvested for consumption. These crops, usually legumes or grasses, are rich in nutrients and organic matter. “When soils are tilled, they decompose, releasing primary nutrients, secondary nutrients and micronutrients. This process increases soil organic matter, improves soil structure, and increases its water-holding capacity. Additionally, green manure acts as a natural weed suppressant, reducing the need for herbicides,” explains Parvinder Singh Gehlot.Promote sustainable farming practices

Adoption of green manure is in line with the principles of sustainable agriculture. Green manure reduces the dependence on chemical fertilizers by replenishing nutrients and organic matter in the soil. Additionally, this practice reduces soil erosion and promotes biodiversity by providing habitat to beneficial microorganisms. Unlike traditional farming methods, which deplete soil resources over time, green manures ensure the long-term productivity and resilience of agricultural land.

Increasing soil structure and nutrient content

One of the major benefits of green manure is its ability to increase the sod composition.The organic matter derived from green manure improves sow aggregation, creating a looser texture that allows better aeration and water infiltration. Parvinder says, “This improved soil structure facilitates root penetration and uptake of nutrients by crops, resulting in healthy plants and higher yields. Additionally, the gradual release of nutrients as green manures decompose The release maintains plant growth throughout the growing season, reducing the need for additional fertilization." Singh Gehlot.

reduce dependence on chemical inputs

Gehlot underlines the importance of reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. By incorporating green manures into farming practices, farmers can reduce the use of chemical inputs while maintaining soil fertility and productivity.This not only reduces production costs but also reduces the negative impact of agricultural runoff on water bodies and ecosystems. “Green manure acts as a natural alternative that promotes ecological balance and resilience in agricultural landscapes,” says Parvinder Singh Gehlot.

Economic and environmental benefits

From an economic point of view, the adoption of green manure provides many benefits to farmers. By improving soil fertility and crop yields, green manure can increase agricultural profitability in the long run. Additionally, the reduced need for synthetic inputs translates into cost savings and lower production expenses.Additionally, by sequestering carbon in the soil, green manure contributes to climate change mitigation efforts, making it a valuable tool for building climate-resilient agricultural systems.

Concluding, Parvinder Singh Gehlot advocated the use of green manure underlining its important role in promoting sustainable agricultural practices, “by enriching the organic matter in the soil, enhancing soil structure and reducing the need for chemical inputs.” By and large, green manures provide a holistic solution for improving soil health and ensuring long-term sustainability of farm operations,” says PS Gehlot. As the global agricultural community faces the challenges of feeding a growing population while preserving natural resources, adopting practices such as green manure will be essential to building resilient and environmentally friendly food systems..