New Delhi, Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal on Thursday said the Election Commission has not put up polling station-wise voting percentage data on its website, raising suspicion among political parties that "something is wrong" and wondering where the problem lies. What is data uploading?

Sibal, a senior lawyer, asked what was the problem in entering polling station-wise polling data when all the details in Form 17C are given to the polling agent at the end of polling.

His comments come a day after the Election Commission told the Supreme Court that "indiscriminate disclosure" of polling station-wise voting data and posting it on its website would lead to chaos in the election machinery, which is already under way. There is a proposal for Lok Sabha elections. ,

The election panel said that public posting of Form 17C - which gives the number of votes polled at a polling station - was not provided for in the statutory framework and could lead to mischief and disturbance in the entire electoral area as it would increase the chances of Has been. The images are being tampered with.

Addressing a press conference in the national capital, Sibal said the Election Commission has filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court stating that it has no legal order to upload Form 17C, which is required to be cast at a polling booth. There is a record of the votes cast.

“Form 17C is signed by the Presiding Officer and given to the polling agent at the end of polling, showing the number of votes polled.I have also sent the information directly to the Election Commission of India (ECI). Now why is it that ECI has not put that data on the website? what's the problem? Just like the Election Commission puts the final count on its website to show who has won (they should put it out as well),'' Sibal said.

"What may happen in this process is that the number of votes counted will be more than the number of votes actually cast. We do not know whether that is true or not. What is the hesitation of the Election Commission in this? To put that data on its website. No one can change it after entering it, it will be matched with the data of the polling agent,” the Rajya Sabha MP said.Sibal said election officials were not doing so, resulting in parties suspecting "something is wrong".

The Election Commission also rejected as false and misleading the allegation that the first two phases of the election showed a "5-6 per cent" increase in voting percentage in press releases issued on the day of polling and thereafter. Two rounds.

The election authority said this in an affidavit filed in the top court in response to an NGO's petition, which has sought a direction to the Election Commission to post the voting results on its website within 48 hours of the conclusion of polling. Upload centre-wise polling data. Phase of Lok Sabha elections.

"It is submitted that if the relief sought by the petitioner is allowed, I will not only be in the above legal position but will also create chaos in the election machinery which is already working for the general elections to the Lok Sabha. Assembly, 2024,” the poll panel said in its 225-page affidavit.