Agartala, Tipra Motha chief Pradyot Kishor Manikya Debbarma on Wednesday called on party leaders and workers to maintain pressure on the Center for proper implementation of the Tiprasa agreement.

In March, Tipra Motha had signed an agreement with the central and state governments in the presence of Union Home Minister Amit Shah to address the issues faced by the indigenous people of Tripura.

"Signing the agreement is not everything, but what is important is its proper implementation. Maharani Kanchana Prabha Devi signed a merger agreement with the Center in 1949, Bijoy Kumar Hrangkhol joined the TNV (Tripura National Volunteers) in 1988. And an agreement was also signed with the All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF), he said in a Facebook post."Everyone was happy after Tipra Motha signed the agreement with the Center to resolve the problems of the indigenous people. Signing the agreement is not important. Party leaders, workers and people have to maintain pressure for proper implementation of the agreement Amidst the heat and humidity, people do not get drinking water and electricity service stops after light rain, in such a situation we cannot call it 'Ram Rajya'.

He highlighted the importance of community welfare over political gains and urged party leaders to give priority to the interests of the people over personal ambitions for positions.Debbarma also acknowledged past mistakes and urged to focus on community empowerment, especially by providing leadership opportunities to women and youth. He emphasized that true leadership lies in serving the needs of the community rather than fulfilling personal ambitions.

He said, "If we fail to do this, nothing will be achieved for the Tiprasa (indigenous) people. Mistakes were made in the past, so the people got nothing."