New Delhi [India] The market capitalization of Adani Group continued to increase for the ninth consecutive day on Wednesday. The group's market capitalization crossed Rs 16.5 lakh crore on Wednesday, up 10.6 per cent in the last nine trading sessions. The rise continued the day the London-based Financial Times cited a document from the George Soros-backed Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). ), in a report, accused the Adani Group of fraud and selling low-quality coal as high-priced fuel to Tamil Nadu Generation, a distribution company, in 2013, suggesting that the markets had overestimated the OCCR. And the report on the group by Financial has been rejected. Times And it continues to see value in Adani Group shares.The steady growth in the group's market capitalization over the past few years shows that despite the allegations, investors have reposed confidence in Adani Group companies. The market capitalization of the group has increased by 56.6 percent in the recent period. The year has outperformed the broader market Nifty, which has gained 23.3 per cent during the same period. This is the third time that two foreign media platforms have published negative reports on the group. Adani Group has denied all allegations and questioned the timing of the latest report on normalization.Elections are going on in the country. The latest report is based on coal supply transactions of 2012-13 when the UP government was at the Centre. The market appears to be viewing this as an outside interference to influence Indian voters. Citing news reports, opposition leaders including Mahua Moitra of All India Trinamool Congress and Jairam Ramesh of Congress had demanded a Joint Parliamentary Committee inquiry into the alleged wrongdoings. The strength and resilience shown by Adani Group shares shows that investors are unaffected by these types of attacks on the group and are continuing to support Adani Group.