The Norwegian government last year decided to donate F-16s to Ukraine as part of a multinational collaboration led by Denmark, the Netherlands and the US.

The store announced the decision on Ukraine's Independence Day in Kiev last year.

Norway's Defense Ministry said on Wednesday it has contributed to the training of Ukrainian fighter pilots at Denmark's Skridstrup airport from autumn 2023.

"Norway has and Norway will also support training in the future," Prime Minister Storr said.

Norway phased out F-16 fighters in 2021 in connection with the phasing out of new F-35 fighter aircraft. 32 F-16s have been sold to Romania.

Espen said, "We must continue to support Ukraine's defense against Russia's aggressive war. Ukraine is fighting for both its independence and our shared values, democracy and international law. Ukraine at the forefront of Euro-Atlantic security Is." Barth Eid, Foreign Minister of Norway.

Norwegian Defense Minister Björn Arild Gramm believes that the need for weapons for the fighters will increase in line with the number of F-16s in the Ukrainian Air Force.

"Armament and other support for the aircraft will be handled within the framework of multinational cooperation. Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Great Britain and Norway are involved in this cooperation," he said. mentioned.