Israeli students studying at Tel Aviv [Israel], Columbia, and Harvar universities condemned US administrators for mishandling pro-Palestinian demonstrations on those campuses, with protesters calling on the universities to boycott and withdraw their stakes in Israel While doing so, tent camps and barricades have been set up on many American campuses. Jews are barred from accessing classrooms and fear for their safety. In several instances university authorities threatened to expel or suspend students who did not vacate tent occupation and on some campuses, police forcibly removed protesters including Shimon Nataf, who is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Columbia Law School in New York, told Israel's press service that the protests were "mostly motivated by anti-Semitism. Nataf, 38, was at Columbia when the protests began, but traveled to Jerusalem to spend the Passover holidays with family. came back.As the demonstration escalated, Nata canceled his air ticket back to New York, saying, "We have reached a situation where, because of this environment and because of the disgusting and reprehensible control of anti-Semitism in Colombia, Jewish students There's no place to go," he told TPS. -IL. "They have no reason to come to campus, and in my opinion it's just a scam. I'm a student like any other student and I don't have any campus to go to. I'm very, very angry about the whole thing." I am.Rabbi Eli Buechler, who is affiliated with Columbia University's Jewish Learning Initiative on campus, made headlines on April 21 when he asked a WhatsApp group of 290 Jewish students to leave campus because the university could not assure their safety, yet Nataf intends to eventually return to his studies in New York. He said that although the Columbia administration has zero-tolerance toward demonstrations against gay rights, for example, "there is a lot of patience toward anti-Semitism. That's all." That's the whole story. Police entered the camp on Tuesday. Guy, a second Israeli student, told TPS-IL that he plans to pursue his PhD in economics. A small protest camp has been set up where the government wants to keep it.The 28-year-old longtime Jerusalem resident said he began his studies in August and has only visited the Cambridge, Mass. campus for an open house. Asked how he felt about the protests, Guy told TPS-IL, "It's quite a complicated question for me. On the one hand, like many people in Israel, I am concerned about the anti-Semitism occurring in the demonstrations. Very troubled by the events and not least by the fact that they receive sharp condemnation from protesters who are not necessarily anti-Semitic, but contribute to the normalization and legitimization of anti-Semitism. He added, “It is shocking and deeply disturbing to see the videos of many protesters supporting Hamas and justifying the October 7 massacre.Guy continued, "On the other hand, I think there are also many legitimate criticisms of the demonstrations against Israel. In my opinion, it is legitimate to demonstrate against Israel's war and policies, for example on issues such as humanitarian aid to the civilian population. But Guy said he had no concerns about his safety. During his three-day visit to the university, "I received very respectful and pleasant treatment from the students and faculty of the economics department, which greatly increased my sense of security before the transition. increased. Of course, there are some concerns about the stories being aired on the network, but my general impression is that, overall, Jewish and Israeli students at Harvard – of which there are quite a number – feel relatively safe in the area, even if Less than before He added, “I really hope that perception is correct.Meanwhile, Israeli President Isaac Herzog described the campus demonstrations as anti-Semitic and called on university administrators to take stronger action to protect Jewish students. “We see major educational institutions, halls of history, culture, education contaminated by hatred and anti-Semitism driven by ego.” One driven by ignorance, and moral failings and disinformation. We watch in horror as the atrocities of October 7 against Israel are celebrated and justified," Herzo said, "in the face of violence, harassment and intimidation, as masked cowards break windows and doors. Let's break. On October 7, Hamas attacks on Israeli communities near the Gaza border killed at least 1,200 people and took 240 Israelis and foreigners hostage.The hostages are presumed dead.