New Delhi, Writer-filmmaker JS Nandini, who has earned praise for his series "Inspector Rishi", says the idea was to tell a supernatural horror thriller that is relatable to the people and rooted in the culture of the place Where it is installed. ,

The 10-episode Prime Video series starring Naveen Chandra, Sunaina, Kanna Rao and Srikrishna Dayal revolves around Inspector Rishi Nandan (Chandra), who investigates a series of bizarre murders that occur in a small hill village near Coimbatore. doing.

"When I started researching about who the spirit might be, I wanted the story to be rooted in our culture. I wanted it to be something that people in our villages and our local towns would be familiar with, so that To tap into those deep spiritual beliefs and those superstitions of the villages,” Nandini told me in an interview.Chandra, who plays the role of Inspector Rishi, said that he grew up hearing such stories from his grandmother.

"I'm from a place called Ballari (Karnataka), which is close to Hampi. I've heard all these stories that if you go out by 7 pm, there's a demon waiting for you. He'll hurt you or Will kill or do something." I don't believe in supernatural powers but I have grown up on these stories," he said.Actor Ravi, who plays a sub-inspector in the series and helps Rishi in the investigation, said that he found the script very attractive and could even imagine the scenes when he read it.

"The writing was very entertaining and I could imagine what he wrote. However if I get to be a part of it it would be a good series and I would love to perform in it and see these scenes.

“I felt like I haven't done anything like this before, so I'll do horror. Apart from horror, I liked the way it covered all the things together.,

Sunaina, another member of the cast, said that she generally does not like reading scripts, but the narration of "Inspector Rishi" made her curious to know everything, including the role of a female guard.

He said, "It was a collection of mystery, horror and thrills."

Dayal, who played the role of forest officer Satya in the series, said that Nandini's script was very visual.

“When we read the text, the images start to reflect, those images are the captivating part. When you actually watch the series, it's beautiful because all those takes have come out.The characters just came out of the screen and they just filled in the colors and this whole place is so beautiful to look at.