New Delhi: Congress leader Gaurav Gogoi on Tuesday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not expected to heed the words of RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on the current situation in violence-hit Manipur and will refrain from misusing law enforcement agencies in the northeastern state. And try to bend the Indian Constitution”.

The RSS chief on Monday expressed concern over the lack of peace in Manipur even after a year and said the situation in the conflict-torn state should be considered on priority.

He said, "I do not expect that Prime Minister Modi will pay any attention to the words of RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat. Prime Minister Modi will avoid Manipur, misuse law enforcement agencies and try to bend the Indian Constitution.

"Thankfully, the people have chosen the Bharat Alliance to speak on their behalf and protect the Indian Parliament and Constitution," Gogoi wrote on 'X'.

The Youth Congress MP was elected to the Lok Sabha from Jorhat constituency in Assam after he defeated his nearest BJP rival by a margin of over 1.44 lakh votes.

Gogoi had given a powerful speech in the Lok Sabha on the opposition-sponsored no-confidence motion against the Narendra Modi government in August 2023, where he had questioned Modi's "vow of silence" on Manipur and asked why he had not visited Manipur. State.

He had told the government that 'talk of one India has created two Manipurs and deeply divided communities are now speaking the language of revenge against each other.'