New Delhi [India], After a Delhi court granted bail to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in an alleged excise police case, Aam Aadmi Party's legal team said the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has no evidence against the party leaders. And alleged that this matter was a conspiracy of the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Speaking to ANI on Thursday after the party supremo was granted bail, AAP Legal Cell state president Sanjeev Nasiyar alleged that the ED was working under "pressure from someone".

"Truth has prevailed. This case was false, it was a conspiracy by the BJP party. This is a huge victory for the AAP party, for the country and for all of us. ED has no evidence against any of our leaders and they are Working under." Under someone's pressure, they wanted to end Arvind Kejriwal's political career but they failed in it,” said lawyer Sanjeev Nasiyar.

Advocate Hrishikesh Kumar, part of AAP's legal team, said, "Arvind Kejriwal was granted bail on a surety bond of Rs 1 lakh. By tomorrow afternoon, Arvind Kejriwal will be out of jail. This is a big moment for AAP leaders, the country and the people. It's a victory." ,

AAP national spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar claimed that regular bail in the PMLA case is no less than an acquittal.

Priyanka Kakkar said, "This case is completely fake, the entire case has been written in the BJP office. We are very grateful to the court for giving a historic verdict."

Delhi Minister and AAP leader Saurabh Bhardwaj said that this decision will set a big example in our law and order.