New Delhi: In coastal locations globally, heatwaves accompanied by extreme short-term sea level rise have increased significantly between 1998 and 2017, with a "pronounced increase" observed in tropical regions, according to a research.

Hotter and wetter conditions in the tropics may be associated with increased incidence of such 'concurrent heatwaves and extreme sea levels' or CHWESL events, as researchers estimate that these regions are also found to be more prone to such events.

He said that if global carbon emissions continue at the current rate, the probability of such incidents could increase five times by 2049.

The authors say that people living in low-lying tropical islands such as the Caribbean Pacific and Southeast Asia are "much more likely" to suffer harm from CHWES events, as are developing regions with low incomes and a lack of adaptation strategies. Said in his study published in the journal 'Communications Earth and Environment'.These countries also contribute significantly to the global population, 40 percent of which (3 billion) is estimated to live in these regions, which are "hotspots" for CHWESL events, said the authors from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in China.

The authors said this could further increase exposure risk and worsen the vulnerability of communities living in these areas to CHWESL events.

Their findings showed that about 40 percent of coastal areas around the world have experienced more CHEWSL events in the recent 20 years, with each event lasting more than 3.5 days on average.

The authors also found that if current trends in carbon emissions continue unabated, such CHWESL events could become up to five times more frequent between 2025 and 2049.

The authors said that over the same time period, coastal areas around the world could see about 3 days each year during which CHWESL conditions would persist – an increase of 3 days compared to the historical period of 1989–2013.This study is important for advancing our understanding of how CHWESL events develop on coastlines around the world, he said, and the findings show "urgent need to inform adaptation strategies to CHWESL events in tropical regions." Needed."