New Delhi [India], Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in its election manifesto has promised to increase the MSP from time to time if it comes to power for the third time. The party released its "resolution manifesto" on Sunday. In the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, BJP released its election manifesto, which included many promises like strengthening PM Kisan Yojana for farmers, PM Fasal Bima Yojana etc. . and news cluster for vegetable production and storage among others “Dignity and empowerment of farmers is one of our top priorities. We empowered our farmers through various measures including soil health cards, micro irrigation, crop insurance, seed supply Is.", and direct financial assistance under the PM Kisan Samman Yojana. We have increased the MSP manifold. We are committed to supporting our farmer families and empowering them to live a better life," the party said in its manifesto. “We have ensured an unprecedented increase in MSP for major crops, and we will continue to increase MSP from time to time,” it said in the document, which echoes the party's 'Modi's Guarantee' slogan. Underlines, highlights the vision and promises of Narendra Modi government for every section of the society.In the manifesto, Prime Minister Modi stressed on focusing on 'knowledge' on the poor, youth, farmers and women. It also said it will further strengthen the PM Crop Insurance Scheme through more technological interventions to ensure faster and more accurate assessment, faster payments and prompt complaint resolution. The party further said it would support farmers to make the country self-reliant in the production of pulses (such as arhar, urad, masoor, moong and gram) and edible oil production (such as mustard, soybean, sesame and groundnut). Annadatas will be supported with necessary agricultural inputs to increase the production of nutritious vegetables by setting up new clusters for production of essential commodities like onion, tomato, potato etc. We will also set up storage and logistics facilities for you in these clusters.“For the success of the International Year of Millets, we will promote Sri Anna (millet) for food security, nutrition and environmental sustainability and make India a global millet hub,” he said, noting that in February this year, farmers Called for a massive protest - 'Delhi Chalo' for the last round of talks with the farmers' delegation over their demands including legal guarantee of minimum support price on all crops and farm loan waiver as per the recommendations of the Swaminath Commission. Which ended at midnight on February 18, the panel of three Union ministers approved the purchase of five crops – moong dal, urad dal, maize and cotton – from farmers in MS through central agencies. However, the protesting farmers rejected the offer and returned to the protest sites. Meanwhile, the party sought to promote nature-friendly, climate-resilient, profitable agriculture that keeps the country safe. He promised to launch a "National Mission on Natural Farming" for integrated planning and coordinated implementation of agri-infrastructure projects like storage facilities, irrigation, grading and sorting units, coal storage facilities and food processing. Will launch an Agriculture Infrastructure Mission.Besides, we will launch technology-enabled irrigation. Initiative to implement state-of-the-art technology for efficient water management," it said, adding that the BJP has planned to launch an indigenous 'Bharat Krishi' satellite for agricultural activities like crop forecasting, pesticide application irrigation, soil health and weather forecasting. Have also promised. “We will develop digital public infrastructure to address information asymmetry in agriculture and provide farmer-centric solutions and services. We will set up facilities like fodder banks, milk testing laboratories, bulk milk coolers, a milk processing units in the next five years. The manifesto released by the BJP also said that it will strive to protect indigenous cattle breeds and make efforts to increase their productivity and preserve their genetic diversity.