Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Finally, the wait is over as the makers of 'Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damayan' released its trailer on Friday in the presence of acclaimed filmmaker Farah Khan. The trailer was launched during a grand event in Mumbai. , presented by Farah Khan with special guests. The event not only saw spectacular visuals but also unveiled the villain Damayan. It depicts Chhota Bheem fighting an ancient demon named Damayan to protect the residents of his village Dholakpur.'Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damayan' is a live-action adaptation of the popular animation series 'Chhota Bheem'. Yagya Bhasin is playing the lead role in the film along with Anupam Kher and Makrand Deshpande. The film also stars Kabir Sheikh (Kaalia), Advi Jaiswal (Raju), Daivik Davar (Dholu), Divyam Davar (Bholu), Aashray Mishra (Chutki) and Swarna Pandey (Indumati). Farah Khan has shared the teaser on her Instagram stories. In his caption he congratulated the entire team for the trailer launch.
Yagya Bhasin posted the trailer on her Instagram handle with the caption, "India's most favorite superhero and our childhood sensation #ChhotaBheemTrailer is now here.. All the joy and excitement in theaters on 31st May on https://www.instagram Bringing it back [ Earlier, Farah Khan, who is the ambassador of the film, re-shared the trailer on Instagram Stories. The announcement poster read, "See you again #ChhotaBheem #ChhotaBheemandTheGurseOfDamayan #CBSEDonMay31. Recently Anupam Kher revealed the new release date, 'Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damayan' was scheduled to release on May 24. Now it The film will be released in theaters on May 31. Anupam Kher released the teaser of 'Chhota Bheem', the first live-action adaptation of the animated show 'Chhota Bheem' directed by Rajeev Chilka and Megha Chilka. Produced by.It is written by Neeraj Vikram and co-produced by Srinivas Chilakalapudi with Bharat Lakshmipathy. Sharing the teaser about the project, Kher wrote on Instagram, "#ChhotaBheem on the big screen! Join Bheem and his fearless gang as they once again take on Damayan to protect Dholakpur. Makarand Deshpande in the film And Yagya Bhasin also stars in the film titled 'Chhota'. 'Bheem and the Curse of Damayan' was made in Mumbai last year to celebrate 15 incredible years of Anupam Kher in the much-loved animation series Guru Shambhu. While Makran Deshpande will be seen playing the role of Skandhi, the central character Chhota Bheem has been brought to life by the talented Yagya Bhasin, and Ashriya Mishra shines as Chutki.Shagun fame Surbhi Tiwar will be seen as Tuntun Aunty, directed by Rajeev Chilka and produced by Rajeev Chilka and Megha Chilka Chhota Bheem and The Curse of Damayan is written by Neeraj Vikram and co-produced by Srinivas Chilakalapudi along with Bharat Lakshmipathy . Set to release in theaters on May 31, 2024.