An official release on Friday said Yoga Day celebrations will be celebrated for two days on June 20 and 21.

During the keynote address at the United Nations, the spiritual leader shared, “The time has come to bring this ancient art of inner growth into the spotlight. Yoga has proved to be a boon for mankind. We have seen that it helps in curing diseases, solving problems, increasing flexibility, making the mind happy and sharpening the intellect. Yoga should be done with pranayam and meditation, without which yoga asanas remain just physical exercises.

Thousands of participants from Malaysia, Taiwan, Australia, Sweden, Iceland and New Zealand joined the Art of Living in this global celebration of yoga. Indian embassies in Copenhagen, Tallin and other European countries also attended the function.

Art of Living also led celebrations with the Ministry of AYUSH at multiple locations across India. From India's China-Bhutan borders to Gujarat's airports; From Delhi's Nehru Park to the beaches of Chennai, millions of yoga lovers led by Art of Living's Sri Sri Yoga teachers welcomed the dawn of the 10th International Yoga Day, celebrating this ancient gift of India to the world.