New Delhi, BJP leader Kiren Rijiju on Sunday said he will take oath as a cabinet minister in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government and vowed to serve the country with enthusiasm and dedication.

"I will be sworn in as a cabinet minister on June 9, 2024, around 7.30 pm," Rijiju, the Earth Sciences Minister in the outgoing government, said in a post on Twitter.

Rijiju said he was sworn in as Minister of State in 2014, Minister of State with Independent Charge in 2019 and Cabinet Minister in 2021.

"Thank you to Arunachal Pradesh, @NarendraModi ji, @BJP4India and the people of India. I will serve the country with more enthusiasm and dedication," he said.

Rijiju won the Arunachal West Lok Sabha seat for the fourth time in the recent general elections.