New Delhi [India]: BJP candidate from Thiruvananthapuram Rajiv Chandrashekhar has sent a legal notice to his Congress counterpart Shashi Tharoor for defamation. In his notice, Rajeev Chandrashekhar has accused Tharoor of spreading misinformation, allegedly spreading misinformation among the constituents of Thiruvananthapuram. Information regarding bribing of prominent voters and influential persons like parish priests, Chandrashekhar has expressed 'surprise' at the allegations made by Shashi Tharoor in a TV interview with Kerala-based news organization '24 News'. The BJP leader has also demanded withdrawal of the careless statements made by Shashi Tharoor and further demanded that he apologize publicly, otherwise he will have to face legal consequences. The notice reads, “Immediately withdraw all allegations and allegations made by the noticee against our client." , i.e. Rajeev Chandrashekhar on the above news channel dated 06.04.2024; tender an unconditional public apology to our client to his satisfaction through print and electronic media regarding the baseless allegations and insinuations made by the recipient of the notice; defaming our client. harassing, disturbing the reputation and spreading any unnecessary rumor and immediately stop, desist and desist from indulging in any such activities in future. The legal notice also said that Tharoor has made these statements to Rajeev Chandrashekhar. "With intent to cause harm". It emphasizes how such defamatory statements harm the entire Christian community by accusing Thiruvananthapuram and its leaders of indulging in cash-for-vote activities. and has disrespected them, and also highlights the need for a public apology within 24 hours. News video dated 06.04.2024 on a Malayala news channel named 24 News, in which you, the notice recipient (Shashi Tharoor), has made a disrespectful Making the statement alleging that our client (Rajeev Chandrashekhar) was involved in illegal activities of offering money to voters and that our client is spreading lies in Christian communities, not only is the said statement completely false but it is clear that This was given with a clear malicious intention to tarnish the reputation of our client to try to gain unfair advantage in the upcoming elections. The legal notice further states that this legal notice comes soon after Tharoor violated Rule I(2) of the Model Code of Conduct, which strictly states that political candidates must limit their criticisms to "their policies and programmes, past Should be limited to “records and work”.Avoid criticizing other parties or their activists on the basis of "unverified allegations or distortion". In this case, Tharoor's statement to '24 News' details how Rajiv Chandrashek offered money to prominent voters in the constituency, including leaders of the religious community. Tharoor was also accused of "violating sub-section 3 of Section 123 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 by appealing to the religious identity of voters and their actions". What constitutes a corrupt practice under the RP Act was held by the decision of a 7-Judge Bench of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in Abhiram Singh vs. CD Comanche (Civil Appeal No. 37/1992) The legal notice further said, “It is feared that you (Shashi Tharoor) have fabricated these allegations and circulated them to influence the voters in Thiruvananthapuram.There is an apprehension that you are engaged in spreading such false news to disrupt the process of free and fair elections." The notice said there is an apprehension that your statements are now being spread on social media by your agent supporters and party members. And false allegations against Rajeev Chandrashekhar are being circulated through various platforms including messaging apps.