New Delhi [India], Delhi Police on Tuesday said a police team has caught two people who were involved in the theft of 320 Apple iPhones worth Rs 3.5 crore.

Speaking to ANI, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) South-West Rohit Meena said that the police registered the FIR after receiving a complaint of theft of 320 iPhones. He said, "We received information that the driver of the owner of AmExpress had run away after stealing about 320 iPhones kept in 36 boxes from the company's warehouse. We immediately lodged an FIR."

The police officer further said, "We formed a team under the leadership of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Sareen and after technical investigation, we found them in Panchkula. Two accused, Mandeep and Sachin, have been arrested and recovered from them. 318 mobile phones have been recovered." Has been recovered..."