Hanumangarh (Rajasthan) [India], A man was shot dead allegedly by his friend after an argument in Rajasthan's Hanumangarh district, police said on Monday. The incident took place in Jandawali Rohi on Sunday, according to Sadar police station. Hui. The deceased in Hanumangarh village was identified as Shyamlal, also known as Shyama, and the alleged shooter was identified as his friend Sitaram, Sadar Station House Officer (SHO) Lal Bahadur said preliminary Reports suggest that Shyamlal was killed by an unidentified motorcyclist. "Now it has come to light that the friend turned out to be the murderer. Initially, I thought Shyamlal was murdered by an unknown motorcyclist on the land at 21 LLW Jandawali, which is in his possession. A case was registered against three persons. Police "The SHO said that further investigation led by Superintendent of Police Vika Sangwan revealed the real picture. Using technical evidence and confidential information, it was found that Shyamlal and Sitaram left their house together," the officer said. They were arguing in the field under the influence of alcohol. The dispute escalated, resulting in Sitaram shooting Shyamlal, "What is noteworthy is that both of them had left their house together. "After reaching the farm, Sitaram shot dead Shyamlal, also known as Shyama," Bahadur said, adding that the police are currently investigating the alleged involvement of others. The case is due to a dispute between the individuals. It is not known yet, detailed information is awaited.