New Delhi [India], Delhi Police has reported a 27 percent increase in the prosecution of traffic violators accused of drunk driving in the first half of 2024, police said.

This worrying trend highlights the urgent need for greater awareness and strict enforcement of traffic rules to ensure public safety on city roads.

From January 1 to June 30, the Delhi Traffic Police arrested 12,468 drunk driving offenders, compared to 9,837 during the same period in 2023. This represents a nearly 27 per cent increase in prosecutions with respect to the previous year.

The increase in prosecutions during the first half of 2024 compared to the previous year is alarming and demands immediate attention from both law enforcement agencies and the public, police said.

Additionally, the Delhi Traffic Police carried out a comprehensive analysis of the top ten roundabouts with the highest number of challans issued in 2024.

This analysis sheds light on the areas with the most frequent traffic violations, allowing for targeted enforcement efforts to improve traffic safety and compliance with traffic laws.

Driving under the influence of alcohol poses a serious risk not only to the driver but also to passengers, pedestrians and other motorists. It impairs judgment, slows reaction times, and increases the likelihood of accidents causing injury or death. The consequences of such irresponsible behavior can be devastating and irreparable,

In response to this worrying rise in cases, the Delhi Traffic Police has intensified its efforts to combat drunk driving. Strict enforcement measures, including increased screening and breath testing, are being implemented to deter people from engaging in this dangerous behavior, police said.

Furthermore, the Delhi Traffic Police urges citizens of Delhi to prioritize safety and act responsibly while driving. It is imperative that everyone recognizes the dangers of driving under the influence and refrains from doing so.

The Delhi Traffic Police also emphasizes the importance of community participation in combating the menace of drunk driving. Citizens are encouraged to immediately report any cases of suspected drunk driving, thereby contributing to the collective effort to create safer roads for everyone, police said.