New Delhi [India], The Delhi High Court on Tuesday issued a notice to the Enforcement Directorate on the default bail plea of ​​Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Satyendra Kumar Jain in a money laundering case. Satyendra Jain has challenged the May 15 order of Delhi's Rouse Avenue Court, in which default bail in the case was refused. After noting the arguments, a bench of Justice Swarnakanta Sharma sought a response from the ED and fixed July 9 for a detailed hearing of the case. Jain argued through this default bail petition before the Delhi High Court that the ED failed to complete the investigation in all the cases within the statutory period. Jain further said that the prosecution complaint, which is not complete in all respects, was filed in an effort.Depriving the applicant of his right to default bail under the provisions of Section 167 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He further said that it is a settled position of law that filing of charge sheet cannot be used to suppress the case when investigation is pending. Right to default bail: Charge sheet should be filed only after the investigation is completed. Filing an incomplete chargesheet or complaint in a PMLA case, when investigation is pending, is a violation of the fundamental right of the accused under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. This negates the inalienable right to default bail under section 167(2) of the Code.criminal Procedure. Therefore, even if the charge sheet has been filed when the investigation has not been completed, an accused in a PMLA case will also be entitled to default bail. Recently, the Supreme Court rejected the bail plea of ​​former Delhi minister Satyendra Jain in a money laundering case. On April 6 last year, Delhi High Court had rejected the bail plea of ​​Satyendra Jain. The HC, while rejecting the bail plea of ​​Satyendar Jain, said that the applicant is an influential person and has the ability to tamper with the evidence. At this stage, Satyendar Jain/applicant cannot be stopped from fulfilling the dual conditions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).On November 17, 2022, the trial court rejected the bail plea of ​​Satyenda Jain. He was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate on May 30, 2022, under sections of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and is currently in judicial custody in the case. The ED case is based on a complaint filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). On the allegation that Satyendra Jain acquired movable property in the name of various persons from February 14, 2015 to May 31, 2017, for which he could not give a satisfactory account.