Indian officials, including proxies based in Ottawa, Canada, engage in a variety of activities that seek to influence Canadian communities and politicians to "align" Ottawa's position with New Delhi's interests on key issues, particularly Concern over Khalistani separatists in Canada, an official investigation has found.

The findings of the interim report by Commissioner Marie-Josée Hogg, who led the independent public inquiry, found evidence of foreign interference in Canada's last two federal elections in 2019 and 2021, but the results of the votes were not affected and the electoral system was compromised. not done. strong.

India had earlier rejected allegations of interference in Canada's elections as "baseless" and said the main issue has been Ottawa's interference in New Delhi's internal affairs. The report published on Friday said the People's Republic of China ("PRC") is the main perpetrator of foreign interference against Canada.“China has been assessed by Canadian officials as the most active foreign state actor engaged in interference against government officials, political organizations, candidates for political office and migrant communities,” I said.

On India, the report said: "Indian officials, including Canada-based proxies, engage in a number of activities that seek to influence Canadian communities and politicians. These activities include foreign interference aimed at influencing Canada's position on key issues. Have to be linked with the interests of India." Particularly with respect to how the Government of India views supporters of the Canada-based Independent Sikh Homeland (Khalistan). India's interest in Canada is related to Canada's large South Asian community, with India a part of these communities. India views it as promoting anti-Semitism, which is a threat to India's stability and national security."India does not distinguish between legitimate, pro-Khalistan political supporters and the relatively small Canada-based Khalistani violent insurgency. It views anyone associated with Khalistani separatism as a seditious threat to India," the report said.

"We strongly reject all such baseless allegations of Indian interference in Canadian elections," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said in New Delhi in February. Responding to a question, Jaiswal said, "In the democratic processes of other countries It is not the policy of the Indian government to interfere, in fact, on the contrary, it is Canada that is interfering in our internal affairs.,

The Canadian investigation reports that the targets of Indian foreign interference are often members of the Indo-Canadian community, but prominent non-Indo-Canadians are also subject to India's foreign influence activities. These activities may not be aimed at influencing Canada's democratic institutions, but are still important, it said.

"Indian officials in Canada are increasingly relying on Canadians and Canadian-based proxies and contacts in their networks to carry out foreign interference. This obscures any clear connection between India and foreign interference activities. Proxy India and India Contact and work with Indian intelligence officers.Canada is taking both explicit and implicit directions from them," it said. "India directed foreign interference activities related to the 2019 and 2020 general elections. Intelligence sources indicate that Indian proxy agents have attempted to interfere in democratic processes, including allegedly by covert provision of illegal financial assistance to various Canadian politicians. Attempting to secure the election of pro-India candidates or to gain influence over candidates seeking office,” the report said.

In some instances, candidates never know that their campaigns have received illegal money.The report said there was no sign of an India-based disinformation campaign in the 2021 general elections.

India was mentioned 43 times in the 194-page report. “In a classified supplement to this report, I review intelligence information related to potential foreign interference by India in the 2021 general election, its spread within the government, and actions taken in response.” "I have not identified any shortcomings with respect to information flow," Marie-Josée Hogg said.

India has been insisting that its "core issue" with Canada is the space given to separatists, terrorists and anti-India elements in that country.Other countries engaged in interference activities in Canada include Russia, Pakistan and Iran.