Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday told trainee IAS officers of the 2023 batch of the state cadre that "dialogue is the most powerful tool in a democracy", an official statement issued here said.

During the meeting at his official residence here, Adityanath told the trainee officers that they should always remain connected with the people at the grassroots level and resolve their issues immediately, to prevent them from escalating, the statement said.

"Lack of communication can lead to dissatisfaction among the public. Treat people well and maintain integrity in your work to build a unique and admirable reputation," the Chief Minister said.

He said, “No problem of the common man should be considered small, as it is of vital importance to the affected people. Solving these problems is not just a duty, but a way to gain public trust. "

The Chief Minister also recommended devoting one hour every day to listen to the public and address the concerns of public representatives and local organisations.

He urged the trainee officers to consider making villages self-reliant and developing model villages.

During the meeting, the Chief Minister said that connecting with villagers and prioritizing works through community labor can achieve significant results.