In New Delhi, Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Tuesday said the Center is working on a vision document to develop officers for a rapidly changing scenario in the future.

Interacting with senior officers of the Army, Navy, Air Force and civil services at the 50th Advanced Professional Program (Gold) in Public Administration (APPA) at the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) campus here, he said Advanced courses imparted to civil servants serving the government are crucial in preparing them for the future, as envisioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Singh, Minister of State for Personnel, said the government's emphasis is on a shift from a rules-based to a role-based governance approach to empower citizens.

He also guided the participants to develop communication and interpersonal skills, according to a statement from the Ministry of Personnel.

Singh shared his experiences in areas affected by militancy and terrorism where district magistrates and army officers cooperated, he said.

The minister highlighted the government's approach in terms of governance through redressal of grievances, development of indices that "guide us" for the development models needed in the future.

He also shared that the Department of Administrative Reforms is developing a 'Vision Document' along with the Capacity Building Commission to develop officials for a rapidly changing scenario in the future, the statement said.

Singh asked the officers to be in sync with the changing technologies and use artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The Advanced Professional Program in Public Administration (APPA) is a 10-month course sponsored by the Department of Personnel and Training. Around 30 senior officers from the army, navy, air force and public administration attend the program.