Los Angeles [US], India-Taiwan co-production 'Demo Hunters' will debut at the upcoming Cannes Film Market. Directed by Chen Mei-jun, the film will be produced by India's Arjan Bajwa and Taiwan's J.C. It's Lynn. It also stars Regina Lei, Jack Kao and Harry Chan, Variety reported. Bajwa is excited about the project, saying, "Being a part of 'Demon Hunters' has been an incredible experience. It's great to be able to collaborate with such talented individuals from around the world." Got the opportunity." It has been really beneficial. I can't wait for audiences to join in on this wild adventure. Lin said, "Working on 'Demon Hunters' is a dream come true. It's an honor to collaborate with such a talented team from Hong Kong and India and I'm excited for audiences to immerse themselves in the world we've created." And with this unveiling in Cannes, the film promises to be on the edge of your seat. Light House Productions (Taiwan) and Clios Entertainment. Produced by Gru (India), 'Demon Hunters' goes global this winter.